FC2BBS TOEFL Master 46995

TOEFL Words you need to know

1:Mayumi :

2009/12/19 (Sat) 22:20:48

Let's Get Started!
2:Mayumi :

2009/12/19 (Sat) 22:22:43

1. 塩辛い飲み物 s______e b______e
2. 情け容赦のない制裁 r________s s______n
3. 議論の前提 p_____e of the debate
4. 防御に有利な地形 a__________s t_____n for defense
5. 個別の権利 d______e rights

1. saline beverage
2. relentless sanction
3. premise of the debate
4. advantageous terrain for defense
5. discrete rights
3:Mayumi :

2009/12/19 (Sat) 22:24:33

1. 有毒なイソギンチャク venomous sea anemone
2. 麻薬を貯蔵する hoard narcotics
3. 河口域の堆積物 s_______s around the e_____y
4. 美容整形へのためらい s_____e to plastic surgery
5. 貪欲な貴族 g____y a_________s
6. 対戦相手の体力を奪う s__ the o_______s’ stamina
7. 学生の本分 s____e of students
8. 怒りで眉をひそめる f____n to anger
9. 横隔膜の収縮 c_________n of diaphragm
10. 遺跡発掘場所で発見された遺物 r____s founded at the a___________l cite

1. venomous sea anemone
2. hoard narcotics
3. sediments around the estuary
4. scruple to plastic surgery
5. greedy aristocrats
6. sap the opponents’ stamina
7. sphere of students
8. frown to anger
9. contraction of diaphragm
10. relics founded at the archaeological cite

4:Mayumi :

2009/12/19 (Sat) 22:31:15

1. 牛などの反芻動物 r_______s such as cow
2. 注意深い投資家 f________s investor
3. 化学物質を合成して(何かを)合成する c_____t chemical substances
4. その番組の演出法 d___a of the program
5. プラスティックを分解する d_______e plastics
6. 外国人参政権 s______e for foreigners
7. 財産を没収する c________e property
8. 栄養のある体液を分泌する s____t n_______s h___r
9. 総生産量を増加させる a_____t total y___d
10. 土着の人々 i________s people

1. ruminants such as cow
2. fastidious investor
3. concoct chemical substances
4. drama of the program
5. decompose plastics
6. suffrage for foreigners
7. confiscate property
8. secret notorious humor
9. augment total yield
10. indigenous people

5:Mayumi :

2009/12/19 (Sat) 22:33:41

1. 並外れた能力 u_____y f_____y
2. エコノミスト誌からの引用 e_____t from The Economist
3. 流感の流行 r__e of seasonal flu
4. 退屈な講義 t_____s lecture
5. 都市の拡張を抑制する i_____t urban s____l
6. 細心の調査 m________s examination
7. 無意識の呼吸 an u_________s r_________n
8. その会社に対する忠誠 a________e to the company
9. 相互協定 r________l p__t
10. 地動説を主張するp_______e the h__________c system

1. uncanny faculty
2. excerpt from The Economist
3. rage of seasonal flu
4. tedious lecture
5. inhibit urban sprawl
6. meticulous examination
7. an unconscious respiration
8. allegiance to the company
9. reciprocal pact
10. postulate the heliocentric system

6:Mayumi :

2009/12/19 (Sat) 22:35:09

1. 可燃物 c_________e material
2. 大気の成分 c_________t of a_______e
3. お釣りをきっちり数える count a c____e n____y
4. 偏りのない報道 i_______l r____t
5. 巨大な彫像 c______l s____e
6. 戦争抑止力 d_______t against a war
7. 実行可能な予算 v____e budget
8. 社会構造 f____c of society 
9. 精巧な技術 e_______e technology
10. 減税を要求する c____r for a tax r_______n

1. combustible material
2. constituent of atmosphere
3. count a change neatly
4. impartial report
5. colossal statue
6. deterrent against a war
7. viable budget
8. fabric of society 
9. elaborate technology
10. clamor for a tax reduction

7:Mayumi :

2009/12/19 (Sat) 22:36:29

1. 公転面に対して直角の p___________r to the o_____l p___e
2. 地球を温暖化にする p____e the Earth into global warming
3. 貧弱な衛生状態 poor h_____e
4. 機械に油をさす l_______e a machine
5. 沼地の植物 s____s plants
6. 取り返しのつかない破滅 i__________e c_________e
7. 大地を耕す p___w the fields
8. 蒸発の後の残留物 r_____e after the e_________n
9. 自転軸 r______l a__s
10. 下手な模造品 c____y c_________t

1. perpendicular to the orbital plane
2. plunge the Earth into global warming
3. poor hygiene
4. lubricate a machine
5. swamps plants
6. irreversible catastrophe
7. plow the fields
8. residue after the evaporation
9. rotational axis
10. clumsy counterfeit

8:Mayumi :

2009/12/20 (Sun) 21:35:52

1. 破産した会社 i_______t company
2. 遠心力 c_________l f___e
3. 彼女の堕落を非難するd___y her d_______y
4. むらっ気な性格 w________l p_________y
5. 大失敗を犯す c____t a b_____r
6. 多面的な検査m______d investigation
7. 前田と安生の遺恨g____e between Maeda and Anjo
8. 景気回復の兆し a____y for economic recovery
9. 扁桃腺が腫れた My t_____s were s_____n.
10. 電池の寿命 l_______y of the battery

1. insolvent company
2. centrifugal force
3. decry her depravity
4. whimsical personality
5. commit a blunder
6. manifold investigation
7. grudge between Maeda and Anjo
8. augury for economic recovery
9. My tonsils were swollen.
10. longevity of the battery

9:Mayumi :

2009/12/20 (Sun) 22:53:02

1. 複雑な関係 i_______e r__________p
2. 臨界点 p___l point
3. 気まぐれな有権者 c________s c__________y
4. ひ弱な腸 f___l i_______e
5. 折衷的な朝食e______c breakfast
6. 傲慢な政治家 i______t politician
7. 利益の上がる取引l_______e trading
8. 分かりやすい説明 l___d explanation
9. モルモン教の教義 Mormon c___d
10. 秘密を漏らす d_____e the secret

1. intricate relationship
2. peril point
3. capricious constituency
4. frail intestine
5. eclectic breakfast
6. insolent politician
7. lucrative trading
8. lucid explanation
9. Mormon creed
10. divulge the secret

10:Mayumi :

2009/12/21 (Mon) 01:06:12

1. 契約に違反する b____h an agreement
2. 好奇心を満足させる a_____e a curiosity
3. 皮膚組織 d____l t_____e
4. 差別的是正措置に反対するg_____y a_________e action
5. 検察官の主張に反駁するr___t the p_________’s argument
6. 政府を非難する r______h the government
7. 絶対的な権力 p_____y power
8. 塔の頂点a__x of the tower
9. 状況を悪化させる e________e the situation
10. 簡素なドレスコードa_____e dress cord

1. breach an agreement
2. appease a curiosity
3. dermal tissue
4. gainsay affirmative action
5. rebut the prosecutor’s argument
6. reproach the government
7. plenary power
8. apex of the tower
9. exacerbate the situation
10. austere dress cord

11:Mayumi :

2009/12/22 (Tue) 02:11:47

1. 嗅覚器官 o_______y t___t
2. ひなの性別を識別する d_____n sex of c_____s
3. 星座の型 c___________n pattern
4. 毒ガスが建物に侵入する poisonous gas i_________s buildings
5. 発癌物質を吸い込む i____e c________n
6. 複雑な仕組み i_______e w_b
7. 簡素なスタイルu_______d style
8. リスクを上回るo______h risks
9. 会議を招集する c_____e the meeting
10. 近視的な見方m____c view

1. olfactory tract
2. discern sex of chicks
3. constellation pattern
4. poisonous gas infiltrates buildings
5. inhale carcinogen
6. intricate web
7. unadorned style
8. outweigh risks
9. convene the meeting
10. myopic view
12:Mayumi :

2009/12/22 (Tue) 22:51:19

1. 簡素な生活 a_____e life
2. 孤独癖 p________y for aloneness
3. 会議の要旨 g__t of the meeting
4. 公平な判断 d______d judgment
5. あくどい詐欺 b______t deception
6. 検察官の主張を支持する b_____r the p________r’s a______t
7. 自己満足の趣味 c________t hobby
8. 鉄道の全盛期 h____y of railways
9. 不機嫌な店員 m____e sales clerk
10. 欠点を列挙する e_______e faults

1. austere life
2. propensity for aloneness
3. gist of the meeting
4. detached judgment
5. blatant deception
6. bolster the prosecutor’s argument
7. complacent hobby
8. heyday of railways
9. morose sales clerk
10. enumerate faults
13:Mayumi :

2009/12/22 (Tue) 23:58:16

1. 情報を伝える i____t information
2. 一晩精を出して働く t__l all the night
3. 驚異的な生産性 p________s productivity
4. 茶番に近い a___n to a low comedy
5. 権利を放棄する r______e a light
6. 休火山 d_____t volcano
7. 土壌に浸透する p______e the soil
8. ~に損害を与える i_____t a loss on
9. ~に危険を与える p__e a danger to
10. 計画の提案者 p_______t of the project

1. impart information
2. toil all the night
3. prodigious productivity
4. akin to a low comedy
5. renounce a light
6. dormant volcano
7. permeate the soil
8. inflict a loss on
9. pose a danger to
10. proponent of the project
14:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 00:14:47

5. 権利を放棄する r______e a right

5. renounce a right
15:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 01:34:46

1. 刺しゅうで衣服を飾るe_______h a dress with e________y
2. 提案に同意するa____t to the proposal
3. 暴動を鎮圧するs____e a riot
4. 経過日数e_____d days
5. ~の像に銘を刻むi______e a statue to
6. 質問を無視するb____h off the question
7. 策略を挫折させるt____t a p__t
8. 敗北宣言c________n speech
9. 咳払いをしてのどに詰まった物を取り除くd______e the object oneself by coughing
10. 不安定に揺れるw____e p__________y

1. embellish a dress with embroidery
2. assent to the proposal
3. subdue a riot
4. elapsed days
5. inscribe a statue to
6. brush off the question
7. thwart a plot
8. concession speech
9. dislodge the object oneself by coughing
10. wobble precariously

16:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 02:01:25

1. 携帯電話の普及d_______n of cell-phones
2. 抗議集会を開くr___y against
3. 手つかずの自然i____t nature
4. 極貧の家庭d_______e family
5. 政治家を巻き込むe____f the politician
6. 長々と論じるd_______e at length
7. 権力に対しての服従d_______e to authority
8. 性に合った本c_______l book
9. 異質分子h___________s element
10. 聴覚の鋭さa____y of hearing

1. diffusion of cell-phones
2. rally against
3. intact nature
4. destitute family
5. engulf the politician
6. discourse at length
7. deference to authority
8. congenial book
9. heterogeneous element
10. acuity of hearing
17:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 02:42:00

1. 食物の配給r____n of food
2. 離党するs____e from a party
3. 深く染みこんだ考えi_______d belief
4. 敵軍を全滅させる a________e the enemy's army
5. (樹木などが)葉を落とすs__d its leaves
6. もっともらしい口実 p_______e excuse
7. 潜在能力l_____t ability
8. 名目GNP n_____l GNP
9. 若気のいたりw__m of youth
10. 試合に負けたことを認めるc_____e a game

1. ration of food
2. secede from a party
3. ingrained belief
4. annihilate the enemy's army
5. shed its leaves
6. plausible excuse
7. latent ability
8. nominal GNP
9. whim of youth
10. concede a game

18:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 03:06:42

1. ~の正体を探るp___e into the i______y of
2. 驚くべき支持率p________l approval rating
3. 向上心に燃える作家a______g writer
4. 地球全体を網羅するe_______s the entire globe
5. 新しい用語を作るc__n a new term
6. 自宅での休暇を選ぶo_t for vacations at home
7. 酔ってつまずくs_____e in drunk
8. 卓越した画家p________t painter
9. 性格特性t___t of character
10. 戦争による瓦礫の山r____e of war

1. probe into the identity of
2. phenomenal approval rating
3. aspiring writer
4. encompass the entire globe
5. coin a new term
6. opt for vacations at home
7. stumble in drunk
8. preeminent painter
9. trait of character
10. rubble of war
19:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 14:26:30

1. わいせつ行為o_____e c_____t
2. 子どもを離乳させるw__n a child
3. 惑星を詳しく調べるs________e a planet
4. 《be ~》武装兵士に略奪されるl____d by armed soldiers
5. 食べ物をあさるf____e for food
6. 田を耕すt__l a rice field
7. 花壇を踏みつぶすt_____e down a flower bed
8. 冷凍食品を解凍するt__w frozen food
9. 独裁政権を打倒するo_______w a d_________l government
10. 部屋を花で飾るa___n a room with flowers

1. obscene conduct
2. wean a child
3. scrutinize a planet
4. looted by armed soldiers
5. forage for food
6. till a rice field
7. trample down a flower bed
8. thaw frozen food
9. overthrow a dictatorial government
10. adorn a room with flowers

20:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 14:51:40

1. 研究休暇期間s________l term
2. 危険な足場p__________s foothold
3. レイプ疑惑の報道c______e of a rape a_______n
4. ごくわずかな金n_____l amount of money
5. 逆境a_____e c___________s
6. 問題の場所を突き止めるl______e the problem
7. 横衝撃l_____l impact
8. 法令を撤回するr____l a d____e
9. 深刻な事態に至るd_________e into a g___e c____s
10. 《be ~》責任を負わされているl___n with responsibilities

1. sabbatical term
2. precarious foothold
3. coverage of a rape allegation
4. nominal amount of money
5. adverse circumstances
6. localize the problem
7. lateral impact
8. repeal a decree
9. deteriorate into a grave crisis
10. laden with responsibilities

21:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 15:02:49

1. 契約を順守するa___e by a contract
2. ガツガツ食事をするd____r a meal
3. 船に乗り込むe____k in a ship
4. ~の限界を超越するt_______d the b____s of
5. 気まぐれな選択a_______y choice
6. 不当な要求u________d demand
7. 国王に対する反逆t_____n against the king
8. ~という考え方を受け入れるe_____e the idea of
9. 難問で(人)を困らせるp_____x someone with a difficult question
10. 鳥の毛をむしるp___k a bird

1. abide by a contract
2. devour a meal
3. embark in a ship
4. transcend the bounds of
5. arbitrary choice
6. unwarranted demand
7. treason against the king
8. embrace the idea of
9. perplex someone with a difficult question
10. pluck a bird

22:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 15:30:19

1. 世の中を震撼させるs____le the world
2. 稲の苗s______g rice
3. 二流の料理人m______e cook
4. 協定に反対するd_____t from the accord
5. 風化岩盤w________g bedrock
6. 多感な若者s_________e a________s
7. 信念をはっきり述べるa________e a belief
8. 不可解な行動e______c behavior
9. 資源を枯渇させるd_____e one's resources
10. ~の将来[先行き]を心配するa___________e about the future of

1. 世の中を震撼させるstartle the world
2. 稲の苗seedling rice
3. 二流の料理人mediocre cook
4. 協定に反対するdissent from the accord
5. 風化岩盤weathering bedrock
6. 多感な若者susceptible adolescents
7. 信念をはっきり述べるarticulate a belief
8. 不可解な行動enigmatic behavior
9. 資源を枯渇させるdeplete one's resources
10. ~の将来[先行き]を心配するapprehensive about the future of

23:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 15:42:56

1. 海上事故p____l of the sea
2. 信頼を損なうu_______e confidence
3. 社会に溶け込むa_______e into society
4. 的外れの議論i________t argument
5. 事実上不可能なv_______y impossible
6. 回避できない義務i________e duty
7. 不風流な人p_____c person
8. 同窓会パーティーr_____n party
9. 《be ~》国際自由貿易ルールに支配されるs_____t to international free trade rules
10. 予備承認p_________y approval

1. peril of the sea
2. undermine confidence
3. assimilate into society
4. irrelevant argument
5. virtually impossible
6. imperative duty
7. prosaic person
8. reunion party
9. subject to international free trade rules
10. preliminary approval

24:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 15:53:12

1. 条例を廃止するr____l an act
2. 苦痛で泣くw_____r in pain
3. 伝統に反抗することd______e of c________n
4. 《be ~》(人)の反応に戸惑うb________d by the reaction of
5. 旅する料理人i_______t cook
6. けだものをならすt__e a beast
7. 従うべき前例p_______t to follow
8. 会議で議長を務めるp_____e at a conference
9. 不運を嘆くd_____e one's luck
10. 巧みないかさまp_______e fraud

1. repeal an act
2. whimper in pain
3. defiance of convention
4. bewildered by the reaction of
5. itinerant cook
6. tame a beast
7. precedent to follow
8. preside at a conference
9. deplore one's luck
10. plausible fraud

25:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 16:04:07

1. 合体して大きな集団になるc______e into large units
2. 海賊を追い払うe___l pirates
3. 読みやすい筆跡l_____e writing
4. 仲間意識p__r identity
5. 地味な服装s___r attire
6. ~に統治権を与えるc_____e s________y to
7. 仕事の妨げになるh_____r business
8. 埠頭税p__r duties
9. 運動エネルギーk_____c energy
10. 演繹的推論 d_______e r_______g

1. coalesce into large units
2. expel pirates
3. legible writing
4. peer identity
5. sober attire
6. concede sovereignty to
7. hinder business
8. pier duties
9. kinetic energy
10. deductive reasoning

26:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 16:15:30

1. 空き缶条例o_______e to control discarded empty cans
2. 顧客といざこざを起こすh____e customers
3. 卑劣な行動i______e action
4. 温帯地域t_______e area
5. 警察の追跡をかわすe___e a police chase
6. 迷惑メールn______e mail
7. 出足を鈍らす天候d_______t weather
8. 耐寒性のある植物h___y plant
9. 風刺画s_______l drawing
10. 施しを請うs_____t a__s

1. ordinance to control discarded empty cans
2. hassle customers
3. ignoble action
4. temperate area
5. elude a police chase
6. nuisance mail
7. deterrent weather
8. hardy plant
9. satirical drawing
10. solicit alms

27:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 22:45:49

1. 特異体質反応i___________c reaction
2. (人)に恐れさせて服従させるa_e someone into obedience
3. 豊作p_______l crop
4. 熱心に打ち込むことd______t a_________n
5. あいまいな態度d_____s attitude
6. 静電気s____c electrical c____e
7. 勤勉な研究者i_________s researcher
8. 語句を短縮するa________e a phrase
9. 党の決定に異議を申し立てるd_____t from party decisions
10. 暗黙の同意t___t agreement

1. idiosyncratic reaction
2. awe someone into obedience
3. plentiful crop
4. diligent application
5. dubious attitude
6. static electrical charge
7. industrious researcher
8. abbreviate a phrase
9. dissent from party decisions
10. tacit agreement

28:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 23:05:42

1. 精神科開業医 p__________t in private practice
2. ひずみの蓄積s____n accumulation
3. 所得による階層区分b_____t of income
4. 強い名誉心a___r for glory
5. 窒息死するs_______e to death
6. 倹約家t_____y person
7. 下水管s___r c_____t
8. 風刺的な新聞s_______l newspaper
9. うぬぼれた男c_______d man
10. 紛争を調停するm_____e a dispute

1. psychiatrist in private practice
2. strain accumulation
3. bracket of income
4. ardor for glory
5. suffocate to death
6. thrifty person
7. sewer conduit
8. satirical newspaper
9. conceited man
10. mediate a dispute
29:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 23:16:39

1. オゾン層の破壊d________n of the ozone layer
2. 共鳴板r______t disc
3. 露骨なやり方b_____t f__m
4. 火薬に火を付けるk____e gunpowder
5. 無駄な議論f____e argument
6. 本に前置きを付けるp_____e a book
7. 要さいを包囲するb_____e a f______s
8. 銀行を襲うr__d a bank
9. 市民を虐殺するm______e civilians
10. 友好条約a___y treaty

1. disruption of the ozone layer
2. resonant disc
3. blatant form
4. kindle gunpowder
5. futile argument
6. preface a book
7. besiege a fortress
8. raid a bank
9. massacre civilians
10. amity treaty

30:Mayumi :

2009/12/23 (Wed) 23:52:22

1. 広範囲にわたる影響p_______e influence
2. 緑色で点滅するb___k in green
3. 和平交渉の行き詰まりd______k in the peace negotiations
4. 厳粛な儀式s___r ceremony
5. 公金を使い込むe______e government funds
6. 軽率な行為を悔いるr____t of a thoughtless act
7. オーク製の箱o_k cabinet
8. サスケとデルフィン間の確執e____y between Sasuke and Delphin
9. 封建時代f____l era
10. 伝染病患者c_________s disease patient

1. pervasive influence
2. blink in green
3. deadlock in the peace negotiations
4. sober ceremony
5. embezzle government funds
6. repent of a thoughtless act
7. oak cabinet
8. enmity between Sasuke and Delphin
9. feudal era
10. contagious disease patient
31:Mayumi :

2009/12/24 (Thu) 01:01:07

1. 心臓を移植するt________t a heart
2. 個別的利益の交錯t____e of discrete interests
3. 高尚な目的l___y aim
4. 会員数の減少d________n of membership
5. 肯定的な返答a_________e answer
6. 仕事上の失敗s_____k in one's business
7. 沈滞する経済l_________g economies
8. 慈善寄付金b________t contributions
9. 低温殺菌p____________n at low temperature
10. 砂漠の蜃気楼m____e in the desert

1. transplant a heart
2. tangle of discrete interests
3. lofty aim
4. diminution of membership
5. affirmative answer
6. setback in one's business
7. languishing economies
8. benevolent contributions
9. pasteurization at low temperature
10. mirage in the desert

32:Mayumi :

2009/12/24 (Thu) 02:37:40

1. 哀れを誘う願望p______c desire
2. 仕事の敵f_e in business
3. 有能な学者t______d s____t
4. 耐え難い苦痛u________e a________n
5. 狂信者が、法王を襲撃したa z____t attacked the pope.
6. あいまいな証拠e_______l evidence
7. たばこを吸わないよう忠告するa______h someone against smoking
8. アルコール[酒]を控えるa_____n from alcohol
9. 粗悪品s____y goods
10. 極秘情報をコンピュータから消去するp___e confidential information from a computer

1. pathetic desire
2. foe in business
3. talented savant
4. unbearable affliction
5. a zealot attacked the pope
6. equivocal evidence
7. admonish someone against smoking
8. abstain from alcohol
9. shoddy goods
10. purge confidential information from a computer
33:Mayumi :

2009/12/24 (Thu) 03:39:04

1. 役立たずの傍観者w_______s o______r
2. 人権抑圧o________n of human rights
3. 制約式c________t equation
4. (人)が感じている悲しみw_e felt by
5. 不活性物質i___t substance
6. 国際協定の無視d______e of international agreements
7. 牧場風のr___h-style
8. 集団的経済安全保障c________e economic security
9. 《be ~》想像力が足りないd____d of imagination
10. ほおひげを生やした男w_______d man

1. worthless onlooker
2. oppression of human rights
3. constraint equation
4. woe felt by
5. inert substance
6. defiance of international agreements
7. ranch-style
8. collective economic security
9. devoid of imagination
10. whiskered man

34:Mayumi :

2009/12/24 (Thu) 03:56:06

1. 国王による寛大な措置c______y by the King
2. 責任逃れe_____n of responsibility
3. 乾燥地帯a__d zone
4. 逆関係c______e relation
5. 土地を埋め立て造成するr_____m land
6. 恐ろしい(保有)兵器f________e arsenal
7. 信じやすい人々c_______s people
8. 消化不良補助薬i_________n aid
9. 茶碗を逆さにするi____t a cup
10. 神の怒りを静めるp____e God

1. clemency by the King
2. evasion of responsibility
3. arid zone
4. converse relation
5. reclaim land
6. formidable arsenal
7. credulous people
8. indigestion aid
9. invert a cup
10. placate God

35:Mayumi :

2009/12/24 (Thu) 04:19:19

1. 農民による一揆u______g by farmers
2. 数において敵に勝つo_______r the enemy
3. 手紙を読んでクスクス笑うc_____e at a letter
4. 《be ~》時間を節約するf____l of one's time
5. ひょう害h__l injury
6. 主要要因c______l factor
7. 暗がりに引っ込むr____e in the darkness
8. 出血を止めるs______s a h________e
9. 一貫した戦略c______t strategy
10. 音声知覚p______c perception

1. uprising by farmers
2. outnumber the enemy
3. chuckle at a letter
4. frugal of one's time
5. hail injury
6. cardinal factor
7. recede in the darkness
8. suppress a hemorrhage
9. coherent strategy
10. phonetic perception

36:Mayumi :

2009/12/24 (Thu) 12:54:36

1. 落ち着かない夜r______s night
2. 思慮深い行動j_______s action
3. 外向的な性格o______g personality
4. 二日酔い頭痛h______r headache
5. ものすごい活気の市場h____c markets
6. 珍しい率直さ uncommon c____r
7. 学友をいじめるb___y a schoolmate
8. ~に忠誠を誓うv_w allegiance to
9. 民主化を支えるu______n democratization
10. 教訓的な話d______c discourse

1. restless night
2. judicious action
3. outgoing personality
4. hangover headache
5. hectic markets
6. uncommon candor
7. bully a schoolmate
8. vow allegiance to
9. underpin democratization
10. didactic discourse

37:Mayumi :

2009/12/24 (Thu) 13:14:11

1. 粗食m____r diet
2. 過激派組織を取り締まるc___k d__n on militant groups
3. 拳銃で(人)を脅すm____e someone with a pistol
4. 《be ~》本質的に正しいi___________y true
5. 《be ~》毒で麻痺しているn__b with poison
6. 目の利く収集家d________g collector
7. 埋立地r_______d land
8. 発光細菌l______s bacteria
9. 《be ~》金を浪費するp______l with money
10. 不吉な前兆o_____s harbinger

1. meager diet
2. crack down on militant groups
3. menace someone with a pistol
4. intrinsically true
5. numb with poison
6. discerning collector
7. reclaimed land
8. luminous bacteria
9. prodigal with money
10. ominous harbinger

38:Mayumi :

2009/12/24 (Thu) 13:33:27

1. フセインの圧政Hussain’s c______n
2. 動物虐待を防止するp______e animal abuse
3. 敵国からの侵略a________n by a hostile country
4. 落ち着いた気分p____d mood
5. 従順な労働者s________e workers
6. 胚形成期e_______c stage
7. 年とって腰が曲がるs___p from age
8. 鎖国政策s________n policy
9. 思い出すとゾッとするs_____r at the memory
10. 審判の判定への怒号f___r about the refereeing

1. Hussain’s coercion
2. preclude animal abuse
3. aggression by a hostile country
4. placid mood
5. submissive workers
6. embryonic stage
7. stoop from age
8. seclusion policy
9. shudder at the memory
10. furor about the refereeing

39:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 02:12:07

1. 危機を悪化させるa_______e a crisis
2. 養鶏家p_____y breeder
3. 鋭い批評i______e criticism
4. 条文に明記するs______e in the text
5. 規範からの逸脱a________n from the norm
6. 景気後退の前兆となるf________w the recession
7. 虚弱体質f___l health
8. ネット上[オンライン]で集まるc________e on line
9. コンセントのカバーo____t cover
10. 庭を手入れするt__m a garden

1. aggravate a crisis
2. poultry breeder
3. incisive criticism
4. stipulate in the text
5. aberration from the norm
6. foreshadow the recession
7. frail health
8. congregate on line
9. outlet cover
10. trim a garden
40:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 03:20:28

1. 茎菜類s___k vegetable
2. 付随的な結果i________l consequence
3. 創業i_______n of business
4. 未確認発光体u__________d l______y
5. 効力のある薬p____t drug
6. 自治体a________s community
7. 競争の邪魔をするh____r competition
8. 反体制指導者d_______t leader
9. 神の怒りw___h of God
10. 明確な事実i______________e fact

1. stalk vegetable
2. incidental consequence
3. inception of business
4. unidentified luminary
5. potent drug
6. autonomous community
7. hamper competition
8. dissident leader
9. wrath of God
10. incontrovertible fact
41:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 03:35:48

1. 授業を突然中断するa______y discontinue the lesson
2. 集会に集まるc______e at a gathering
3. 薫製のニシンh_____g cured in smoke
4. きちょうめんな男m________l man
5. (人)を政権から引きずり下ろすo__t someone from power
6. ケベック市を包囲したput Quebec city under s___e
7. 同意の推定p_________n of assent
8. 回復不能の損害i_________e harm
9. 殺人による有罪判決c________n for murder
10. ニンジンをかじるg__w a carrot

1. abruptly discontinue the lesson
2. converge at a gathering
3. herring cured in smoke
4. methodical man
5. oust someone from power
6. put Quebec city under siege
7. presumption of assent
8. irreparable harm
9. conviction for murder
10. gnaw a carrot

42:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 04:12:55

1. 警戒を促すうなり声g___l of warning
2. コマンドを呼び出すi____e a command
3. うわべだけの賛辞false e____y
4. 委任状m_____e form
5. 慣性モーメントi_____a moment
6. 構造改革の機動力i_____s for the structural reform
7. 分量[投薬量]を徐々に減らすt___r the dose down
8. (人)を悪の道に引きずり込むt___t someone into evil
9. 添加物水準a______e level
10. 御しやすい馬t_______e horse

1. growl of warning
2. invoke a command
3. false eulogy
4. mandate form
5. inertia moment
6. impetus for the structural reform
7. taper the dose down
8. tempt someone into evil
9. additive level
10. tractable horse
43:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 13:12:09

1. 二酸化硫黄s____r dioxide
2. 隆起運動u______l movement
3. 車をぶつけてぺしゃんこにするb__h up a car
4. 人命の軽視d_____n for human life
5. 重要性を実証するe________y the importance
6. 確定判決d________e judgment
7. 大胆な仮説b__d assumption
8. 帯状に延びた農地を水浸しにするi______e swaths of farmland
9. 運命を懸けるs___e one's fate
10. 同質の文化h_________s culture

1. sulfur dioxide
2. upheaval movement
3. bash up a car
4. disdain for human life
5. exemplify the importance
6. definitive judgment
7. bold assumption
8. inundate swaths of farmland
9. stake one's fate
10. homogeneous culture

44:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 13:37:26

1. ぜいたくな食事e_________t meal
2. 恩赦による釈放liberation by the o______n
3. 日周運動d_____l motion
4. 先行き悲観の経済b_____h economy
5. 結婚生活の破たんm_____l breakup
6. ベルリンの壁の崩壊d_________g of the Berlin Wall
7. 朝食を抜くf___o breakfast
8. 巧みに問題を解決するf_____e the issue
9. ~の代わりにin l__u of
10. 抜け目ない商人s____d businessman

1. extravagant meal
2. liberation by the oblivion
3. diurnal motion
4. bearish economy
5. marital breakup
6. dismantling of the Berlin Wall
7. forgo breakfast
8. finesse the issue
9. in lieu of
10. shrewd businessman

45:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 13:56:54

人)の助言に耳を傾けるh__d someone's counsel
2. 言い分を申し立てるp___d a cause
3. 鼻血h________e from nose
4. 友好的な協定a______e agreement
5. 条約を破棄するn_____y a treaty
6. 器量の悪くない女の子p________e girl
7. 胃潰瘍gastric u___r
8. 悪影響a_____e affect
9. 基礎数学r_________y mathematics
10. ~のために非難を招くi___r blame for

1. heed someone's counsel
2. plead a cause
3. hemorrhage from nose
4. amicable agreement
5. nullify a treaty
6. personable girl
7. gastric ulcer
8. adverse affect
9. rudimentary mathematics
10. incur blame for
46:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 14:28:51

1. イレギュラーe_____c bounce
2. 脳腫瘍cerebral t___r
3. ミサイルを配備するd____y a missile
4. 決議(案)を拒否するv__o a resolution
5. 行き詰まった交渉s________l negotiations
6. (人)のプライベートなことに口を挟むm____e in someone's private affairs
7. 絶対に確実な手段i________e means
8. 《be ~》(that 以下)と聞いて大喜びするe____d to hear that
9. 全身黒装束のc___d entirely in black
10. 熱烈な擁護者a____t advocate

1. erratic bounce
2. cerebral tumor
3. deploy a missile
4. veto a resolution
5. standstill negotiations
6. meddle in someone's private affairs
7. infallible means
8. elated to hear that
9. clad entirely in black
10. ardent advocate
47:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 14:49:24

1. 待ち伏せ攻撃a____h assault
2. 聴衆を煽るi_____e the audience
3. 神秘的な体験m______l experience
4. 靴のひもを結ぶl__e up one's shoes
5. ~の要求を取り下るb__k a__y from one's demand for
6. 命題計算p_________n calculus
7. ごみ埋立てl______l of refuse
8. 無礼な忘恩の徒disrespectful i_____e
9. ファラオの棺pharaoh’s c____n
10. (人)の人生の絶頂(期)c__________n of someone's life

1. ambush assault
2. inflame the audience
3. mystical experience
4. lace up one's shoes
5. back away from one's demand for
6. proposition calculus
7. landfill of refuse
8. disrespectful ingrate
9. pharaoh’s coffin
10. culmination of someone's life

48:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 15:08:46

1. しなびたリンゴw______d apple
2. 上昇するget a___t
3. 泥をこすり落とすs____e off dirt
4. 涙を流すs__d a tear
5. 数字を引用するc__e a figure
6. ~に深刻な影響を及ぼすe___t a grave influence on
7. 貿易問題についての意見の一致c______d over the trade issue
8. のどかな光景t______l sight
9. 苦痛のうめき声を上げるg___n in anguish
10. 風味のある料理s____y dish

1. withered apple
2. get aloft
3. scrape off dirt
4. shed a tear
5. cite a figure
6. exert a grave influence on
7. concord over the trade issue
8. tranquil sight
9. groan in anguish
10. savory dish

49:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 17:17:36

1. 腸運動b___l motion
2. つかみにくい考えe_____e idea
3. 不信任決議c_____e vote
4. 支配株主p_________t stockholder
5. 葬式での場違いな陽気さl____y at the funeral
6. パラパラの拍手s______c clapping
7. 多作の作家p______c author
8. 経営難に陥っている会社f________g company
9. 控えめな態度r______g manner
10. 生活必需財s_________e goods

1. bowel motion
2. elusive idea
3. censure vote
4. predominant stockholder
5. levity at the funeral
6. sporadic clapping
7. prolific author
8. foundering company
9. retiring manner
10. subsistence goods
50:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 17:33:39

1. 生まれ故郷n___l place
2. (人)から口止め料をゆすり取るe____t h__h money from
3. 落ち着きをなくすlose one’s c_______e
4. 断続的な爆撃i__________t bombardment
5. おしゃべりな召使l________s drivel
6. 市場の飽和状態s________n of the market
7. 欠点を矯正するr_____y a defect
8. 観衆の熱気f____r of audiences
9. 根気強く研究するresearch a_______y
10. 良性腫瘍b____n g____h

1. natal place
2. extort hush money from
3. lose one’s composure
4. intermittent bombardment
5. loquacious drivel
6. saturation of the market
7. rectify a defect
8. fervor of audiences
9. research arduously
10. benign growth
51:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 17:55:17

1. ~の時代と符合するc______e with the era of
2. 王座を獲得するwin the t____e
3. ~の世界を垣間見るg_____e the world of
4. ~の長所を賛美するe___l the virtues of
5. AB 間の一時的な交通t________y communication between
6. 美の極致a___e of beauty
7. 停戦するc___e fire
8. 試練の道road of o____l
9. 急勾配の小道p_________s path
10. 厳粛な祝典s____n celebration

1. coincide with the era of
2. win the throne
3. glimpse the world of
4. extol the virtues of
5. transitory communication between
6. acme of beauty
7. cease fire
8. road of ordeal
9. precipitous path
10. solemn celebration
52:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 18:15:54

1. 打ち解けない人a___f man
2. 浮気を大目に見るc_____e a cheating
3. 重大決定m_______s decision
4. ユダヤの格言Jewish m___m
5. ロマンチックな吐き気romantic n____a
6. 思い上がった態度p_________s manner
7. ~だけに注目[集中]するc_____e one's attention to
8. 厄介な状況t____y situation
9. 計画をはかどらせるe______e a scheme
10. 暗殺の危険j______y of assassination

1. aloof man
2. condone a cheating
3. momentous decision
4. Jewish maxim
5. romantic nausea
6. pretentious manner
7. confine one's attention to
8. touchy situation
9. expedite a scheme
10. jeopardy of assassination
53:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 18:35:16

1. 後悔の日々r________l days
2. 秘密を暴くu_____h a secret
3. 平和主義国家p______t nation
4. 《be ~》働くのを嫌がるa____e to working
5. 翔子の貪欲shoko’s a_____e
6. 政治解決を模索するg___e for a political solution
7. 厳しい追及g__m chase
8. もう少しの辛抱a little more f_________e
9. 暴動を扇動するi____e a riot
10. 溶液から沈殿するp_________e from solution

1. remorseful days
2. unearth a secret
3. pacifist nation
4. averse to working
5. shoko’s avarice
6. grope for a political solution
7. grim chase
8. a little more forbearance
9. incite a riot
10. precipitate from solution
54:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 18:47:19

1. 全面禁止o______t ban
2. 気前よくチップをあげたtipped p_______y
3. ピアノでの伴奏a___________t on the piano
4. 政府に対する反乱r_______n against the government
5. 精緻な描写e_______e description
6. 容疑者を逮捕するa_______d a suspect
7. 衰退産業a____g industry
8. 主要商品s____e commodities
9. 交戦中の敵a_______y in battle
10. 分岐経路d_______t pathway

1. outright ban
2. tipped profusely
3. accompaniment on the piano
4. rebellion against the government
5. exquisite description
6. apprehend a suspect
7. ailing industry
8. staple commodities
9. adversary in battle
10. divergent pathway
55:Mayumi :

2009/12/25 (Fri) 22:50:15

1. 不器用な歯科医c____y dentist
2. (人)の悲しみを癒すa_____e someone's sadness
3. 用意周到な泥棒c_________t burglary
4. 考えなどが読み取れない顔i_________e face
5. 気難しい得意先t____y client
6. 崇高な望みs_____e aspiration
7. 人気が衰えるw__e in popularity
8. 社交家g__d m___r
9. 内省的な性質i___________e nature
10. (悲しみなどで)取り乱した表情d________t look

1. clumsy dentist
2. assuage someone's sadness
3. circumspect burglary
4. inscrutable face
5. touchy client
6. sublime aspiration
7. wane in popularity
8. good mixer
9. introspective nature
10. distraught look

56:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 03:41:05

1. 複合金属c_______e metal
2. 野心的な軍人p_________s warrior
3. 大聖堂の正面f____e of a cathedral
4. 釉薬をかけた鉢g____d bowl
5. 自分の作品を窯に入れたput his creation into the k__n
6. 食欲をそそるニンニクのにおいt_________g smell of garlic
7. 薄雲f___y clouds
8. 従順な少女a______e girl
9. 命令を暗号化するc____r the command
10. かなりの効果a_________e effect

1. composite metal
2. pretentious warrior
3. facade of a cathedral
4. glazed bowl
5. put his creation into the kiln
6. tantalizing smell of garlic
7. filmy clouds
8. amenable girl
9. cipher the command
10. appreciable effect

57:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 03:55:39

1. ナイル川の支流T_______y of Nile
2. 自分に跳ね返ってくるr____l on oneself
3. どん欲なサメv_______s sharks
4. 見せ掛けの謙遜A____g humility
5. 巧妙な細工i_______s handiwork
6. 国を略奪するd_____l a country
7. 知識を吸収するi____e knowledge
8. 厳しい賃貸料制限法s_______t rent control laws
9. 危険を予告するp_____d danger
10. 打ち延ばしのできる物質m_______e substance

1. Tributary of Nile
2. recoil on oneself
3. voracious sharks
4. Acting humility
5. ingenious handiwork
6. despoil a country
7. imbibe knowledge
8. stringent rent control laws
9. portend danger
10. malleable substance
58:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 10:32:42

1. 家族を養うf__d for one's family
2. インターネットの登場a____t of Internet
3. ほかの分野に挑戦するv_____e into other fields
4. ドアをドンドンたたくp___d a door
5. 玉砂利を敷いた道g____l lane
6. 仕事で(人)を_時まで拘束するd____n someone at work till
7. 随意契約o______l agreement
8. ごみ袋r____e bag
9. 病気から回復するr___y from one's illness
10. 微量ガスt___e gas

1. fend for one's family
2. advent of Internet
3. venture into other fields
4. pound a door
5. gravel lane
6. detain someone at work till
7. optional agreement
8. refuse bag
9. rally from one's illness
10. trace gas
59:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 10:50:44

1. 空気で運ばれるほこりa______e dust
2. 非常勤講師a_____t instructor
3. 水路網c_____l net
4. 気の合う仲間c_______l associate
5. 夜空を飾るa___n the night sky
6. 宗教団体の大建造物e_____e of religious group
7. そのような意見を無視するb___h aside those arguments
8. 人)を殺人罪で起訴するi____t someone for murder
9. 特徴となる態度s_______e attitude
10. 賛成投票a_________e vote

1. airborne dust
2. adjunct instructor
3. channel net
4. congenial associate
5. adorn the night sky
6. edifice of religious group
7. brush aside those arguments
8. indict someone for murder
9. signature attitude
10. affirmative vote
60:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 11:14:47

1. 《be ~》びた一文もないd_______e of money
2. 手術後に再発するr___r after surgery
3. パップスの定理t_____m of Pappus
4. 地球外生物e______________l life
5. 共通の祖先から分かれるd_____e from a common ancestor
6. 堕落したカトリック教徒l____d Catholic
7. 議会を招集するc_____e a parliament
8. いい加減な検査c_____y inspection
9. 在来種i________s breed
10. 政権を持続させるp________e an administration

1. destitute of money
2. recur after surgery
3. theorem of Pappus
4. extraterrestrial life
5. diverge from a common ancestor
6. lapsed Catholic
7. convene a parliament
8. cursory inspection
9. indigenous breed
10. perpetuate an administration

61:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 12:21:06

1. 親しみやすいあだなa_____e sobriquet
2. 時の流れl___e of time
3. 外に向かって行動する勢いi_____s to move outward
4. 無礼な振る舞いを非難するi____t someone for rude behavior
5. 支持者を増大させるf__d advocates
6. 囲い込み運動e_______e movement
7. 強い名誉心a___r for glory
8. 導電材料c________e body
9. 電気を通すc_____t electricity
10. 寒帯植物f____d zone flora

1. amiable sobriquet
2. lapse of time
3. impetus to move outward
4. indict someone for rude behavior
5. feed advocates
6. enclosure movement
7. ardor for glory
8. conductive body
9. conduct electricity
10. frigid zone flora

62:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 13:47:07

1. ~から用心棒代[見かじめ料]を強要するe____t protection money from
2. 荒廃した地区b______d district
3. 対流実験c________n experiment
4. 整列状態a_____d state
5. 形態発達m________y development
6. 強圧手段c______e measures
7. マフィア~と付き合うc_____t with mafias
8. 伝染病流行に関する情報を広めるd_________e information regarding the spread of infectious diseases
9. 島での隔離s_______n in the island
10. 繁栄の頂点p______e of prosperity

1. extort protection money from
2. blighted district
3. convection experiment
4. aligned state
5. morphology development
6. coercive measures
7. consort with mafias
8. disseminate information regarding the spread of infectious diseases
9. seclusion in the island
10. pinnacle of prosperity

63:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 14:01:01

1. 紙を丸めるc_____e a piece of paper into a ball
2. 自分の鉱区を持つ探鉱者p________r who has one's own claim
3. 死んだふりをするf___n death
4. 原文の完全な状態i_______y of a text
5. 広々とした海e_____e of sea
6. 急激な工業化c___h industrialization
7. 土の塊c___p of earth
8. 縫い目線s__m line
9. 巧みに姿をくらます犯人e_____e criminal
10. 非対称分布a__________l distribution

1. crumple a piece of paper into a ball
2. prospector who has one's own claim
3. feign death
4. integrity of a text
5. expanse of sea
6. crash industrialization
7. clump of earth
8. seam line
9. elusive criminal
10. asymmetrical distribution
64:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 14:14:06

1. 釣り針の返しb__b of a fishhook
2. 鋭い眼力a____y of vision
3. 毛管現象c_______y action
4. すべての点で(人)に同意するc____r with someone in every respect
5. 吐き気を催す映画s_______h movie
6. 床にうずくまるc____h on the floor
7. 独裁主義支配を追放し民主主義を復活させるd______e the authoritarian rule and restore democracy
8. 騒々しい宣伝カーで(人)の名前を連呼するb___t someone's name from a noisy sound truck
9. 法廷侮辱罪c______t of court charge
10. 秋の珍味d______y in autumn

1. barb of a fishhook
2. acuity of vision
3. capillary action
4. concur with someone in every respect
5. squeamish movie
6. crouch on the floor
7. dislodge the authoritarian rule and restore democracy
8. blast someone's name from a noisy sound truck
9. contempt of court charge
10. delicacy in autumn

65:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 14:47:39

1. 歩行障害g__t disorder
2. 群を離れた狼r___e wolf
3. 臼歯m___r teeth
4. コカインを~に密輸するs_____e cocaine into
5. 尾ひれの付いた話e_________d story
6. ~への努力を申し合わせるc_____t efforts toward
7. 服従を命じるa______h obedience
8. 燦々と日を浴びた裏庭で日向ぼっこをするb__k in sun-drenched backyard
9. ~の生息地に侵入するe______h on the habitat of
10. 権利金c________n money

1. gait disorder
2. rogue wolf
3. molar teeth
4. smuggle cocaine into
5. embellished story
6. concert efforts toward
7. admonish obedience
8. bask in sun-drenched backyard
9. encroach on the habitat of
10. concession money

66:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 15:11:06

1. タンパク質分解d_________n of proteins
2. ビルの間の人目に付かない所 n__k between buildings
3. 単純作業m____l labor
4. その町を迂回するc________t the town
5. 棚のある机l____d desk
6. すし詰めの状態c_____d conditions
7. ~の間の衝突を避けるa___t a collision between
8. 捕獲されたパンダpandas in c_______y
9. 傷ついていない死体i____t body
10. 良性のバクテリアb____n bacteria

1. degradation of proteins
2. nook between buildings
3. menial labor
4. circumvent the town
5. ledged desk
6. cramped conditions
7. avert a collision between
8. pandas in captivity
9. intact body
10. benign bacteria

67:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 15:26:01

1. 北斎版画 Hokusai’s e________s
2. 人身売買t_________g in humans
3. 肯定文a_________e sentence
4. ~に資金を流用するd____t funds to
5. 議論にとどめを刺すc____h the argument
6. あいまいな表現e_______l description
7. 機密保持に違反するb____h confidentiality
8. 断層帯f___t belt
9. 像で表された意図f_____l message
10. 馬をむち打つf___k a horse

1. Hokusai’s engravings
2. trafficking in humans
3. affirmative sentence
4. divert funds to
5. clinch the argument
6. equivocal description
7. breach confidentiality
8. fault belt
9. figural message
10. flick a horse
68:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 15:51:04

1. 白熱電球i__________t bulb
2. 拘禁具i_______t of restraint
3. 指数関数的な成長率e_________l growth rate
4. ~の展望を描くd_______e an outlook for
5. 都市を包囲するb_____e a town
6. 主君に対する忠誠f______y to one's lord
7. インフレ圧力を阻止するt____t inflationary pressure
8. ~から目をそらすd_____t attention from
9. 商取引を混乱させるd______t commerce
10. 敬老の精神d_______e to elders

1. incandescent bulb
2. implement of restraint
3. exponential growth rate
4. delineate an outlook for
5. besiege a town
6. fidelity to one's lord
7. thwart inflationary pressure
8. deflect attention from
9. disrupt commerce
10. deference to elders

69:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 16:11:41

1. 発酵させて膨らませたパンl______d bread
2. 独自の論文an original d__________n
3. 病気をこじらせるa_______e an illness
4. 壊滅的な地震による被害c_______g damage of the earthquake
5. 空腹を満たすa_____e one's hunger
6. ゆらぎ仮説w____e hypothesis
7. IPODの付属品p_______t of i-pod
8. 場内売り場c________n stand
9. 驚嘆すべき学識p_____y of scholarship
10. ミサイルを解体するd_______e a missile

1. leavened bread
2. an original dissertation
3. aggravate an illness
4. crippling damage of the earthquake
5. appease one's hunger
6. wobble hypothesis
7. pertinent of i-pod
8. concession stand
9. prodigy of scholarship
10. dismantle a missile

70:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 16:31:52

1. 光の拡散d_______n of light
2. 表現の自由を妨げるh____r free expression
3. ~を選ぶことの先見性f_______t in choosing
4. 延滞図書o_____e book
5. 落ち着きのないこどもr_____e child
6. 復しゅうを果たすc______e the w___h
7. タラ子c_d ovum
8. 枝ぼうきt__g besom
9. 顕著な特色s_____t feature
10. 退屈な重労働を避けるa___d d______y

1. diffusion of light
2. hamper free expression
3. foresight in choosing
4. overdue book
5. restive child
6. complete the wrath
7. cod ovum
8. twig besom
9. salient feature
10. avoid drudgery
71:Mayumi :

2009/12/26 (Sat) 16:46:54

1. 光沢色g____y color
2. 根本氏の策略Nemoto’s a______e
3. 密輸を水際で食い止めるinterdict s_______g at the border
4. 化学に関する論文t______e on chemistry
5. ゆとり世代l____y generation
6. 新しい文化への同化a__________n into a new culture
7. 観衆を仰天させるs_____y audience
8. 和平対話再開の動きm______m for resuming dialogue for peace
9. ローマ人の錬金術Roman’s a_____y
10. 怠惰な労働者i______t worker

1. glossy color
2. Nemoto’s artifice
3. interdict smuggling at the border
4. treatise on chemistry
5. leeway generation
6. assimilation into a new culture
7. stupefy audience
8. momentum for resuming dialogue for peace
9. Roman’s alchemy
10. indolent worker

72:Mayumi :

2009/12/27 (Sun) 02:38:44

10. 遺跡発掘場所で発見された遺物 r____s found at the a___________l cite

10. relics found at the archaeological cite
73:Mayumi :

2009/12/27 (Sun) 14:12:45

世の中を震撼させるs____le the world
2. 稲の苗s______g rice
3. 二流の料理人m______e cook
4. 協定に反対するd_____t from the accord
5. 風化岩盤w________g bedrock
6. 多感な若者s_________e a________s
7. 信念をはっきり述べるa________e a belief
8. 不可解な行動e______c behavior
9. 資源を枯渇させるd_____e one's resources
10. ~の将来[先行き]を心配するa___________e about the future of

1. startle the world
2. seedling rice
3. mediocre cook
4. dissent from the accord
5. weathering bedrock
6. susceptible adolescents
7. articulate a belief
8. enigmatic behavior
9. deplete one's resources
10. apprehensive about the future of

74:Mayumi :

2009/12/27 (Sun) 14:27:26

1. 無口な人t______n person
2. ~からの解放を祝うf__e one's liberation from
3. 最近の流行語current b______d
4. 柳の上の猫 cat on the w____w
5. 手紙の趣旨p_____t of a letter
6. 外傷性出血t_______c hemorrhage
7. 利他的行動a________c behavior
8. 不注意による誤りi_________t error
9. 思慮のない人a man of l____y
10. 赤外線i_______d rays

1. taciturn person
2. fete one's liberation from
3. current buzzword
4. cat on the willow
5. purport of a letter
6. traumatic hemorrhage
7. altruistic behavior
8. inadvertent error
9. a man of levity
10. infrared rays
75:Mayumi :

2009/12/27 (Sun) 14:54:32

1. 大盤振る舞いをするr____e lavishly
2. 机上の空論i_________l argument
3. 気の利いた答a____t answer
4. 兵士を1列に並べるm_____l soldiers into a line
5. おたふく風邪免疫m___s immunization
6. ばかげた質問i___e question
7. シダの胞子f__n seed
8. 真っ赤な偽物o______t fake
9. わずかな望みm____r hope
10. 教育の普及d___________n of education

1. regale lavishly
2. impractical argument
3. adroit answer
4. marshal soldiers into a line
5. mumps immunization
6. inane question
7. fern seed
8. outright fake
9. meager hope
10. dissemination of education

76:Mayumi :

2009/12/27 (Sun) 15:07:01

1. ためになる経験s______y experience
2. 荒廃したスラム街b______d slum
3. 浅薄な知識c_____y knowledge
4. 即座の意思決定i_______u decision-making
5. 地震観測所s_________h observatory
6. 流行している色p_______t color
7. 社交的な人g________s person
8. 思慮深い決定j_______s decision
9. 博学な教授e_____e professor
10. 現職議員i_______t legislator

1. salutary experience
2. blighted slum
3. cursory knowledge
4. impromptu decision-making
5. seismograph observatory
6. prevalent color
7. gregarious person
8. judicious decision
9. erudite professor
10. incumbent legislator

77:Mayumi :

2009/12/27 (Sun) 15:18:54

1. 協定[条約・契約]の軽視d_____n for the treaty
2. 波乱に富んだ生涯c_______d career
3. 人の勇気をくじくd___t someone's courage
4. 航空事故a______n accident
5. 瀕死状態m______d state
6. 出生占星図n___l chart
7. その戦闘は総崩れとなった。The battle was a d_____e
8. 厳しい規制s_______t curb
9. 鋭い論鋒i______e argument
10. その銃の口径c_____r of the pistol

1. disdain for the treaty
2. checkered career
3. daunt someone's courage
4. aviation accident
5. moribund state
6. natal chart
7. The battle was a debacle
8. stringent curb
9. incisive argument
10. caliber of the pistol
78:Mayumi :

2009/12/28 (Mon) 02:31:49

1. 子同位体 p_____y isotope
2. 戦禍s_____e of war
3. 儀式r____l ceremony
4. 遺伝的傾向genetic p____________n
5. 等高線c______r line
6. (カメラの)絞り設定a______e setting
7. 驚くべき判決s______g decision
8. 土板上の楔形文字c_______m on clay tablets
9. 微量m____e amount
10. 証拠を改ざんするt____r with evidence

1. progeny isotope
2. scourge of war
3. ritual ceremony
4. genetic predisposition
5. contour line
6. aperture setting
7. stunning decision
8. cuneiform on clay tablets
9. minute amount
10. tamper with evidence

79:Mayumi :

2009/12/28 (Mon) 02:49:33

1. 血統書p______e paper
2. 労働組合を弱体化させるe______e the labor union
3. 成層圏オゾン層の減少s__________c ozone depletion
4. タービンの翼v___s of a turbine
5. 休耕田f____w field
6. 取り返しのつかない過ちi_________e mistake
7. 張りのない顔l______s face
8. 薄汚いアパートd___y apartment
9. こじつけの言い訳f_r-f_____d excuse
10. 好運l___y b___k

1. pedigree paper
2. enervate the labor union
3. stratospheric ozone depletion
4. vanes of a turbine
5. fallow field
6. irreparable mistake
7. listless face
8. dingy apartment
9. far-fetched excuse
10. lucky break

80:Mayumi :

2009/12/28 (Mon) 03:07:47

1. 背中を刺すs__b in the back
2. いら立った声e_________d voice
3. ゾッとする光景g______e scene
4. 物ぐさな女i______t woman
5. 狭き門s____t gate
6. 荒れ模様の天気i_______t weather
7. 大晦日の騒ぎh____b on new years eve
8. 未知の病気an unknown m____y
9. 要求を繰り返すr_______e one's demand
10. 抗体を含む血清a______y-containing serum

1. stab in the back
2. exasperated voice
3. gruesome scene
4. indolent woman
5. strait gate
6. inclement weather
7. hubbub on new years eve
8. an unknown malady
9. reiterate one's demand
10. antibody-containing serum

81:Mayumi :

2009/12/28 (Mon) 12:05:25

1. 雇用契約h____g contract
2. 特異体質反応i___________c reaction
3. 予想天気図p_________c chart
4. 沼沢植物m___h plant
5. コソコソした行動f_____e behavior
6. 小生産p____e production
7. 船舶を検疫するq________e a ship
8. 不注意を叱責するr_______d someone for his carelessness
9. 簡潔な説明文t___e caption
10. 窒息の危険性c_____g hazard

1. hiring contract
2. idiosyncratic reaction
3. prognostic chart
4. marsh plant
5. furtive behavior
6. petite production
7. quarantine a ship
8. reprimand someone for his carelessness
9. terse caption
10. choking hazard
82:Mayumi :

2009/12/28 (Mon) 12:21:15

1. スコットランドの糖蜜Scottish m______s
2. 史上最悪のへまf____o in history
3. 落葉植物d_______s plant
4. 将来への恐怖t_________n about the future
5. 見え透いたお世辞b_____t adulation
6. 経営難に陥っている会社f________g firm
7. 不動の大地s_______t earth
8. たくましい体つきr____t frame
9. 視力減退d________n of vision
10. あのゴルファーの強みthe golfer's f___e

1. Scottish molasses
2. fiasco in history
3. deciduous plant
4. trepidation about the future
5. blatant adulation
6. foundering firm
7. steadfast earth
8. robust frame
9. diminution of vision
10. the golfer's forte

83:Mayumi :

2009/12/28 (Mon) 12:32:59

1. 増分量i_______t size
2. 草の根レベルでの努力g___s-r___s efforts
3. 染色体異常c________e anomaly
4. 兵糧の豊富さp_______e of provisions
5. 明確な反対u_________l opposition
6. 膨張した腹部d_______d abdomen
7. 求心力c_________l f___e
8. 恋人と駆け落ちするe___p with one's sweetheart
9. 高貴な念願l___y ambition
10. 簡略版a______d version

1. increment size
2. grass-roots efforts
3. chromosome anomaly
4. plenitude of provisions
5. unequivocal opposition
6. distended abdomen
7. centripetal force
8. elope with one's sweetheart
9. lofty ambition
10. abridged version
84:Mayumi :

2009/12/28 (Mon) 12:45:37

1. 混乱から抜け出すe_______e oneself from a tangle
2. 夫婦の相性m_____l compatibility
3. 不機嫌な態度m____e behavior
4. ケンブリッジ大学の会計係b____r of Cambridge
5. 過ぎし日の思い出r_________t of days gone by
6. 裁定機関t______l agency
7. 生活信条c____s to live by
8. ピサの塔は斜めに立っているPisa’s tower goes up a___w
9. (人)の考えを誤解するm_________e someone's idea
10. 凹関数c_____e function

1. extricate oneself from a tangle
2. marital compatibility
3. morose behavior
4. bursar of Cambridge
5. reminiscent of days gone by
6. tribunal agency
7. credos to live by
8. Pisa’s tower goes up askew
9. misconstrue someone's idea
10. concave function
85:Mayumi :

2009/12/29 (Tue) 03:30:53

1. ドル紙幣の偽物 counterfeit of g_______k
2. (人)から権利を剥奪するo__t someone of his right
3. 《be ~》驚いて口あんぐりするa___e with wonder
4. 必死で頑張るb__t one's hump
5. 遅れる口実p_____t for being late
6. これから起こることの前兆a____y of things to come
7. これについて同じ考えを持っているbe on the same w________h on this.
8. 花崗岩マグマg_____e magma
9. 放心した敗者d______t loser
10. 睡眠剤を飲むtake a s_______c

1. counterfeit of greenback
2. oust someone of his right
3. agape with wonder
4. bust one's hump
5. pretext for being late
6. augury of things to come
7. be on the same wavelength on this.
8. granite magma
9. distrait loser
10. take a soporific

86:Mayumi :

2009/12/29 (Tue) 03:43:56

1. 人生のどん底n___r of one's career
2. 一番後ろのカズさんの席h______t Kazu’s sheet
3. 《be ~》~と本質的に関連するi___________y-linked to
4. 銀行ローンの担保物件c________l for a bank loan
5. 元金から利子[利息]を得るa____e interest from a principal
6. 魚の背びれd____l fin of a fish
7. いわれなき中傷misplaced c_____y
8. 貧困の改善a__________n of poverty
9. スパイ活動e_______e activities
10. 憲法を発布するp________e a constitution

1. nadir of one's career
2. hindmost Kazu’s sheet
3. intrinsically-linked to
4. collateral for a bank loan
5. accrue interest from a principal
6. dorsal fin of a fish
7. misplaced calumny
8. amelioration of poverty
9. espionage activities
10. promulgate a constitution
87:Mayumi :

2009/12/29 (Tue) 03:57:05

1. 外向的な人e_________d personality
2. 非定型ウイルスa______l virus
3. 器用な職人d_______s artisan
4. 放火事件の犯人c_____t in the arson case
5. 休眠状態t____d condition
6. 平穏の時代h_____n days
7. ルパンの変装Lupine’s g___e
8. 蒸気船の煙突f____l of a steamboat
9. 消毒せっけんd__________t soap
10. 契約を解除するr_____d a contract

1. extroverted personality
2. atypical virus
3. dexterous artisan
4. culprit in the arson case
5. torpid condition
6. halcyon days
7. Lupine’s guise
8. funnel of a steamboat
9. disinfectant soap
10. rescind a contract

88:Mayumi :

2009/12/29 (Tue) 04:17:27

1. 差し迫った危機i______t crisis
2. 昆虫学を専攻するmajors in e________y
3. 宣誓供述書が提出されたAn a_______t was presented
4. 無関係な証拠i________t evidence
5. イスラエルの戦術を黙認するa_______e to Israeli tactics
6. 蒸し暑い天気m___y weather
7. (人)の無知をあざ笑うd____e someone's ignorance
8. 教師の洞察力teacher’s c__________e
9. ノーベル賞に対する賛辞e____y on Novel Prize
10. 意気揚々とe____d in spirits

1. imminent crisis
2. majors in entomology
3. An affidavit was presented
4. irrelevant evidence
5. acquiesce to Israeli tactics
6. muggy weather
7. deride someone's ignorance
8. teacher’s clairvoyance
9. eulogy on Novel Prize
10. elated in spirits

89:Mayumi :

2009/12/29 (Tue) 04:30:25

1. 二郎で列を作って待つq___e at Jiro
2. 鋭い意見s____d comment
3. 固定給の改定revision of s_____d
4. 陳腐な言葉b___l remark
5. イチジクの木f_g tree
6. 曲げられない要求i________e demand
7. つや消し仕上げm___e finish
8. ある語の語源e_______y of a word
9. 不安神経症n______s anxiety
10. 乱れ髪u_____t hair

1. queue at Jiro
2. shrewd comment
3. revision of stipend
4. banal remark
5. fig tree
6. inexorable demand
7. matte finish
8. etymology of a word
9. neurosis anxiety
10. unkempt hair
90:Mayumi :

2009/12/29 (Tue) 04:47:01

1. お国自慢をするb___t about one's country
2. コスト[経費]の大部分b__k of the cost
3. 粗野な言葉u_____h language
4. 舵を誤るs___r a ship in the wrong direction
5. 天職を見つける find a v______n
6. 利他的行動a________c behavior
7. 強攻策を講じるr____t to drastic measures
8. 休み時間の活動 r____s activities
9. 天然痘の流行 s_______x epidemic
10. 含意を読み取るread a c_________n

1. boast about one's country
2. bulk of the cost
3. uncouth language
4. steer a ship in the wrong direction
5. find a vocation
6. altruistic behavior
7. resort to drastic measures
8. recess activities
9. smallpox epidemic
10. read a connotation
91:Mayumi :

2009/12/29 (Tue) 14:02:58

1. 辛らつな議論a_________s argument
2. 慎みのある生活c____e life
3. 京都議定書p_____l adopted at the Kyoto conference
4. 悲しい結末を暗示するものi_____g of a doomed denouement
5. 非常に活発な子どもs_______s child
6. ちぐはぐな色i________s colors
7. 不器用な陶芸家g____e potter
8. 頂点に達するreaches its z____h
9. 職員名簿r____r of personnel
10. ひと財産を浪費してつぶすs______r away a fortune

1. acrimonious argument
2. chaste life
3. protocol adopted at the Kyoto conference
4. inkling of a doomed denouement
5. strenuous child
6. incongruous colors
7. gauche potter
8. reaches its zenith
9. roster of personnel
10. squander away a fortune

92:Mayumi :

2009/12/29 (Tue) 14:20:41

1. ある事の正しいことを断言するa__r a fact
2. 非の打ちどころがない容姿i________e appearance
3. 誤ったデータe_______s data
4. 恥ずかしそうな微笑b_____l smile
5. (人)の欠点を並べ立てるe_______e someone's faults
6. ドングリを拾うp__k up acorns
7. 命題関数p_________n function
8. 部屋をいぶすf______e a room
9. 無毒のヘビi_______s snakes
10. 悪名高い犯罪者f______t offender

1. aver a fact
2. impeccable appearance
3. erroneous data
4. bashful smile
5. enumerate someone's faults
6. pick up acorns
7. proposition function
8. fumigate a room
9. innocuous snakes
10. flagrant offender

93:Mayumi :

2009/12/29 (Tue) 14:36:44

大学の)試験答案用紙b__e b__k
2. 結核菌t__________s bacteria
3. 雑貨s____y goods
4. 陽気な性質b____e spirit
5. を人差し指でさすpoint his f________r at
6. 難治性ぜんそくi_________e asthma
7. 《be ~》DNAテスト[検査]によって無罪となるe________d by DNA testing
8. 残酷な事件g__m event
9. ご都合主義の政策e_______t policy
10. パーティションで小さく区切ったオフィスc_____e farm

1. blue book
2. tuberculosis bacteria
3. sundry goods
4. blithe spirit
5. point his forefinger at
6. intractable asthma
7. exonerated by DNA testing
8. grim event
9. expedient policy
10. cubicle farm

94:Mayumi :

2009/12/30 (Wed) 03:16:51

1. ~をめぐって(人)と言い争うb____r with someone over
2. 控えめな態度r______g manner
3. やむを得ない理由c________g reason
4. 世襲への反感e____y against heredity
5. 病原体a___t of the disease
6. 和平調停が妨げられたA peace settlement was p_______d
7. (人)の非行をしかるr______h someone with his misconduct
8. 弱酸性の消毒液a_______s antiseptic solution
9. おしゃべりな理容師l________s hairdresser
10. 男子学生クラブハウスf________y house

1. bicker with someone over
2. retiring manner
3. compelling reason
4. enmity against heredity
5. agent of the disease
6. A peace settlement was precluded
7. reproach someone with his misconduct
8. acidulous antiseptic solution
9. loquacious hairdresser
10. fraternity house

95:Mayumi :

2009/12/30 (Wed) 03:28:06

1. 投薬するa________r a dose
2. フーテンの寅さんv______d Tora-san
3. 凸面レンズc____x lens
4. 冷静な分析l___l-h____d analysis
5. いなか風の住宅r____c dwelling
6. 独裁者を倒すt____e a dictator
7. 彼女の気管支炎は、肺炎へと悪化した。Her b________s developed into p_______a.
8. 強い抗議v______t protest
9. 経験則e_______l rule
10. 略奪品の隠し場所c___e of plunder

1. administer a dose
2. vagabond Tora-san
3. convex lens
4. level-headed analysis
5. rustic dwelling
6. topple a dictator
7. Her bronchitis developed into pneumonia.
8. vehement protest
9. empirical rule
10. cache of plunder

96:Mayumi :

2009/12/30 (Wed) 03:41:03

1. 意気消沈した敗者d________t losers
2. 私心のない傍観者d______d onlooker
3. ワインの鑑定家c_________r of wine
4. 医学部長d__n of the medical school
5. 根気強く交渉するnegotiate a_______y
6. 放火容疑者a___n suspect
7. 難解な理論a______e theory
8. へその緒n___l cord
9. 間近に迫った戦闘i_______g battle
10. 将来世代に大きな負担を残すb______h a huge burden to future generations

1. despondent losers
2. detached onlooker
3. connoisseur of wine
4. dean of the medical school
5. negotiate arduously
6. arson suspect
7. abstruse theory
8. navel cord
9. impending battle
10. bequeath a huge burden to future generations

97:Mayumi :

2009/12/30 (Wed) 03:54:44

1. びしょぬれの猫s_____g cat
2. 逆さ言葉の業界用語j____n of back slang
3. 《be ~》~に拉致されたとされるa_______y-abducted to
4. 記憶喪失の患者a_____a victim
5. 牛痘種b____e vaccine
6. 遠回しの表現を使う use a c___________n
7. もやしb__n s_____s
8. 口うるさい態度c________s attitude
9. 卑しむべきひきょう者a____t coward
10. 極めて重大な発見m_______s discovery

1. sopping cat
2. jargon of back slang
3. allegedly-abducted to
4. amnesia victim
5. bovine vaccine
6. use a circumlocution
7. bean sprouts
8. censorious attitude
9. abject coward
10. momentous discovery

98:Mayumi :

2009/12/30 (Wed) 04:05:19

1. 思い出すとゾッとするs_____r at the memory
2. 身代金要求の電話r____m call
3. 引力圏s____e of gravitation
4. 確実に効く薬i________e medicine
5. 露骨なダンピングb_____t dumping
6. 借りてきた猫のようにおとなしいas m__k as a kitten
7. 倹約を奨励するencourage h_______y
8. サルビア油s____a oil
9. 脅迫状b_______l letter
10. ~に対して抗弁するp___d against

1. shudder at the memory
2. ransom call
3. sphere of gravitation
4. infallible medicine
5. blatant dumping
6. as meek as a kitten
7. encourage husbandry
8. salvia oil
9. blackmail letter
10. plead against

99:Mayumi :

2009/12/30 (Wed) 12:33:17

1. 口論を目撃したwitnessed an a_________n
2. ベニヤ板p______d square
3. はかない人生e_______l life
4. 色相環h_e circle
5. 疑似薬効果p_____o effect
6. 生物群系を特定するdefine b___e
7. オーラを発散するe_____e aura
8. 憂うつな雰囲気s____r atmosphere
9. 粉をこねるk____d a dough
10. 空前の大もうけb_____a of all time

1. witnessed an altercation
2. plywood square
3. ephemeral life
4. hue circle
5. placebo effect
6. define biome
7. emanate aura
8. somber atmosphere
9. knead a dough
10. bonanza of all time

100:Mayumi :

2009/12/30 (Wed) 12:43:31

1. 戸をたたき壊すb__h a door down
2. ~の役割について定めるs_______e the roles of
3. 小論文での盗作p________m on an essay
4. 優等生h___r student
5. 変わり者q___r card
6. 余計な持ち物s_________s belongings
7. 値を支えるb_____r a price
8. 手ごわい敵f________e enemy
9. 寛大な処置l_____t judgment
10. 公平な決定d___________d decision

1. bash a door down
2. stipulate the roles of
3. plagiarism on an essay
4. honor student
5. queer card
6. superfluous belongings
7. bolster a price
8. formidable enemy
9. lenient judgment
10. disinterested decision
101:Mayumi :

2009/12/30 (Wed) 12:55:32

1. 婉曲表現e_________c expression
2. 自動車の原型a_______e of an automobile
3. 行き当たりばったりの行動e_____c behavior
4. 市民を虐殺するm______e civilians
5. 適性検査a_______e test
6. 節制a________s habits
7. 武力使用の正当性p_______y of the use of force
8. 不協和理論d________e theory
9. 《be ~》(人)の秘密の内情に通じているp___y to someone's secret
10. 咳を止めるs______s a cough

1. euphemistic expression
2. archetype of an automobile
3. erratic behavior
4. massacre civilians
5. aptitude test
6. abstemious habits
7. propriety of the use of force
8. dissonance theory
9. privy to someone's secret
10. suppress a cough

102:Mayumi :

2009/12/30 (Wed) 13:06:34

1. 陳腐な話t___e statement
2. 兄弟関係s_____g relationship
3. 称賛に恐縮するbe e_______d by the accolades
4. 棚ぼた式の収入w______l revenue
5. 工場を改装するr_______h a plant
6. 怪しげな広告d_____s advertisement
7. 麻疹の流行m_____s epidemics
8. 密輸品c________d goods
9. つららの下がった軒i____e-hung eaves
10. 豪華な部屋o_____t room

1. trite statement
2. sibling relationship
3. be embarrassed by the accolades
4. windfall revenue
5. refurbish a plant
6. dubious advertisement
7. measles epidemics
8. contraband goods
9. icicle-hung eaves
10. opulent room

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