FC2BBS TOEFL Master 46999

Advanced Words You Need to Know

1:Mayumi :

2010/01/30 (Sat) 13:55:52

1. 譲歩する make a c________n
2. 子どもに乳を飲ませる s____e a child
3. 交戦中の敵 a_______y in battle
4. こじつけの答弁 far-fetched r_______r
5. 知識をひけらかす f____t one's knowledge
6. その政党の長老支配 g___________y of the party
7. 鋲で留める hold by r___t
8. 樹上性動物a______l animal
9. 予想された当然の結果expected c_______y
10. とんでもない主張 e_______s claim

1. make a concession
2. suckle a child
3. adversary in battle
4. far-fetched rejoinder
5. flaunt one's knowledge
6. gerontocracy of the party
7. hold by rivet
8. arboreal animal
9. expected corollary
10. egregious claim

2:Mayumi :

2010/02/10 (Wed) 01:58:26

1. 商売のコツk___k for business
2. スパイを変節させるp_________e the spy
3. 背景と調和しない d________t with background
4. 控えめな態度r______g manner
5. 監督の代理を務めるd______e for the couch
6. 歴史を記録にとどめるc_______e the history
7. 使用人を雇うe____e a servant
8. 逆立ったおんどりの首の回りの毛ruffled h____e
9. 起伏の多い景色u________g landscape
10. 官報に公示するannounce to g_____e

1. knack for business
2. proselytize the spy
3. discordant with background
4. retiring manner
5. deputize for the couch
6. chronicle the history
7. engage a servant
8. ruffled hackle
9. undulating landscape
10. announce to gazette

3:Mayumi :

2010/02/11 (Thu) 03:25:29

1. 二酸化炭素の削減を法律に成文化するc____y carbon dioxide reduction in law
2. 質問応答システムq___y answering system
3. 心の平静t_________y of mind
4. 粒状肥料g_______d fertilizer
5. 猛烈な反対v______t objections
6. 皮肉な発言i____c comment
7. 悪魔にレイプされるraped by a i_____s
8. 競走馬の轡 b____e of a racehorse
9. 飢えのために弱るl______h from hunger
10. 書類を有効とするv______e a document

1. codify carbon dioxide reduction in law
2. query answering system
3. tranquility of mind
4. granulated fertilizer
5. vehement objections
6. ironic comment
7. raped by a incubus
8. bridle of a racehorse
9. languish from hunger
10. validate a document
4:Mayumi :

2010/02/12 (Fri) 03:21:41

1. 多種多様の蝶m__________s butterfly
2. 目尻の小さな斑点f___k on her tail of eyes
3. 担保書類c________l documents
4. 判定のあら捜しをするn_____s at the judgment
5. 乗馬クラブe________n club
6. お腹がぺこぺこのぼろを着た少年hungry r________n
7. 懇々と諭すa______h someone repeatedly
8. ハイチに起こった災難c_________e to Haiti
9. 余分な熱を放散するd_______e excess heat
10. 作陶に夢中になるe______d with pottery

1. multifarious butterfly
2. fleck on her tail of eyes
3. collateral documents
4. niggles at the judgment
5. equestrian club
6. hungry ragamuffin
7. admonish someone repeatedly
8. catastrophe to Haiti
9. dissipate excess heat
10. enamored with pottery
5:Mayumi :

2010/02/13 (Sat) 03:49:00

1. 不正な方法d_____s means
2. 地面に縮こまるc___r down
3. ダラダラと過ごすd___y away one's time
4. 現存している古城e____t ancient castle
5. パロディショーb_______e show
6. 原始林p______e forest
7. 禁止令を撤廃するr_____d a ban
8. 忠犬ハチ公d_____l Hachi
9. 慎重な決定c________t decision
10. 治療としてのマッサージt_________c massage

1. devious means
2. cower down
3. dally away one's time
4. extant ancient castle
5. burlesque show
6. pristine forest
7. rescind a ban
8. dutiful Hachi
9. circumspect decision
10. therapeutic massage

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